Sunday, November 24, 2019

Classic Orangish Fluff {Aka Orangish Pineapple Salad}

One of the ultimate classic comfort foods Orange Pineapple Salad.  Or every bit nosotros telephone band it inwards our house, Orange Fluff.  It's classic for a argue because it's but evidently good.

 One of the ultimate classic comfort foods  Classic Orange Fluff {aka Orange Pineapple Salad}

As a nutrient blogger, sometimes meals inwards our work solid are, good ... a piffling weird.  Because our meals oftentimes revolve roughly what I'm working on for the blog.

Which agency depending on what I'm creating, nosotros may swallow virtually the same thing for days inwards a row ... Over together with over together with over in 1 lawsuit to a greater extent than every bit I construct piffling tweaks or exam a recipe.

Or, nosotros terminate upwards eating a variety of foreign combination of things.  Because I've been working on unlike recipes for brands.  Or articles for a site to which I contribute.  Or, every bit is typically the case, all of these things at once.

Classic Orange Pineapple Salad made alongside orangish gelatin is ever a hit.  It's classic for a argue because it's but evidently good.

And eating a foreign combination of things is but precisely what happened the other day.  Let's but telephone band it our orangish meal.

Not orangish flavored. orangish colored.

Yes, I looked at our dinner tabular array the other black together with noticed everything on it was orange.  Or at to the lowest degree some color that closely approximated orange, anyway.

I had made a big bowl of  this Orange Pineapple Salad ... or Orange Fluff every bit nosotros telephone band it ... but to accept roughly inwards the fridge.  It's 1 of my hubby's favorites, thence I larn inwards a lot.

 One of the ultimate classic comfort foods  Classic Orange Fluff {aka Orange Pineapple Salad}

We had remnants of the fluff left inwards the fridge, thence I pulled it out for dinner.

Then I pulled out a big pot of  Roasted Butternut Squash Chili.  My Mom created this tasty recipe, together with I had made a big batch spell working on creating some other variation of it alongside meat.

Oh, did I mention? ... Cooked butternut squash's color  =  orange.

 One of the ultimate classic comfort foods  Classic Orange Fluff {aka Orange Pineapple Salad}

Finally I pulled out a big platter of Buffalo wings, both baked together with fried, because I'd but finished photographing a serial on how to construct Buffalo wings for a site to which I contribute.

Buffalo wings' color?  =  orange.

 One of the ultimate classic comfort foods  Classic Orange Fluff {aka Orange Pineapple Salad}

So every bit yous tin see, sometimes our meals are ... weird, to state the least.  A foreign collection of random things similar Orange Fluff, Butternut Squash Chili, together with Buffalo wings.

And inwards this case, all of them happened to live - orange.  Pretty appropriate for the calendar week of Halloween, don't yous think?

 One of the ultimate classic comfort foods  Classic Orange Fluff {aka Orange Pineapple Salad}

As far every bit making Orange Fluff goes, it's super slow together with requires but half dozen unproblematic ingredients.

Simply combine a container of Cool Whip together with a container of sour cream, together with thence stir inwards dry out orangish gelatin mix until good blended.  This forms the creamy orangish base of operations of the fluff salad.

Next, stir inwards mini marshmallows together with and thence gently crimp inwards crushed pineapple together with Standard Mandarin oranges.

As far every bit making Orange Fluff goes, it's super slow together with requires but half dozen unproblematic ingredients.

Refrigerate the mixture several hours or overnight to allow the flavors to meld together with the marshmallows to soften.  The marshmallows volition absorb wet from the other ingredients together with larn all soft together with squishy, giving the fluff a overnice pillowy texture throughout.

It's a fluff season combination nosotros all know together with love!

So no affair what fourth dimension of yr it is, classic Orange Pineapple Salad made alongside orangish gelatin is ever a hit.  It's classic for a argue because it's but evidently good.
Happy Halloween everybody! However yous celebrate {or don't celebrate}, accept fun together with live safe!!

 One of the ultimate classic comfort foods  Classic Orange Fluff {aka Orange Pineapple Salad}
Thank yous for stopping past times . We'd honey to accept yous dorsum soon!

orangish fluff salad, orangish fluff salad recipe, orangish Jello pineapple salad
Yield: 8-10 Servings

Classic Orange Fluff {aka Orange Pineapple Salad}

Classic Orange Pineapple Salad, made alongside orangish gelatin. Classic for a argue because it's but evidently good!
prep time: 10 Mcook time: total time: 10 M


  • 1 (8 oz.) container Cool Whip
  • 1 (16 oz.) container sour cream
  • 1 (3 oz.) packet orangish gelatin
  • 3 c. mini marshmallows
  • 1 (20 oz.) tin crushed pineapple, drained
  • 1 (15 oz.) tin Standard Mandarin oranges, drained


How to laid upwards Classic Orange Fluff {aka Orange Pineapple Salad}

  1. Combine Cool Whip together with sour cream until smooth. Stir inwards dry out gelatin mix until good blended. Stir inwards marshmallows; together with thence gently crimp inwards pineapple together with Standard Mandarin oranges.
  2. Refrigerate several hours or overnight to allow flavors to meld together with the marshmallows to soften.
Created using The Recipes Generator