Sunday, November 24, 2019

Spaghetti Mash Alongside Fresh Herbs

Enjoy a bounty of fresh herbs inwards this flavorful side dish Spaghetti Squash amongst Fresh Herbs.

The twenty-four hr catamenia I decided to create the photograph shoot for this {oh-so-flavorfully-yummy} Spaghetti Squash amongst Fresh Herbs, I learned something almost cooking spaghetti squash.

Or, I should say, I learned something almost how not  to develop spaghetti squash.
See, I unremarkably bake my spaghetti squash.  But on this given twenty-four hr catamenia I was beingness lazy.

And I decided to develop my squelch inwards the microwave.

Well, evidently I didn't create something right.  'Cause afterward simply a few minutes of the squash's ride on the microwave merry-go-round, I heard a horrible vibrations coming from that way.  A mini explosion of sorts.

I bet you lot tin approximate what it was.

Mmmm hmmmmm.  When I opened the microwave door, this is the sight that awaited me:

After I stopped laughing my pa-tooty off ... 'cause let's last honest, this is a pretty funny sight ... I, of course, grabbed my photographic television set camera to snap to quick photograph of the squelch bomb to portion amongst you.

And in addition to hence promptly scooped upward my exploded squelch ... cleaned it upward a flake ... cutting it inwards one-half ... in addition to baked it.

The agency I usually  do.

Ahhhhh ... much better.

After dragging a fork through the squelch flesh several times, I had a overnice pile of squelch spaghetti strands.  And could laid almost making my Spaghetti Squash amongst Fresh Herbs.

Instead of making a mess of my microwave.

I've been fortunate plenty of-late to last the recipient of an abundance of fresh herbs from my Mom's herb garden.  Every fourth dimension I become visit, I convey domicile a large zip-top baggie total of dissimilar kinds!  Love it.

So I chopped upward a large ol' bunch of Mom's fresh basil, in addition to parsley, in addition to chives.

{By the agency ... that gorgeous custom-engraved chopping block is made past times my friends at cherryBLOX.  Visit cherryBLOX to meet how you lot tin acquire yours!  Or 1 for a gift ... they brand fabulous gifts.}

Spaghetti Squash amongst Fresh Herbs
Source:  Adapted from Thyme to Cook, compiled past times the Rosemary-n-Thyme Herb Society of Gastonia, NC
(Printable recipe)

  • 1 (3 lb.) spaghetti squash
  • 2 T. butter
  • 3/4 to 1 c. chopped mixed fresh herbs {such equally basil, chives, parsley, sage, and/or oregano}*
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/8 tsp. black pepper
  1. Cut squelch inwards one-half lengthwise in addition to place, cutting side down, inwards a baking dish. Add H2O to the baking dish to come upward up almost 1/2-inch on the side of the dish. Cover amongst foil. Bake at 375 degrees for almost 45 minutes, until squelch is easily pierced amongst a paring knife. Turn squelch over, re-cover amongst foil, in addition to operate on to bake almost simply about other fifteen minutes until rattling tender. Uncover in addition to allow to cool slightly.
  2. Remove seeds amongst a spoon; discard. Use the tines of a fork to gently clit the flesh of the squelch into strands. Place strands inwards a mixing bowl.
  3. Heat a skillet over medium-high heat; melt butter inwards the skillet. Add squelch strands, chopped herbs, salt, in addition to pepper. Toss gently until heated through.
* I unremarkably usage a mix of fresh basil, chives, in addition to parsley.


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