Sunday, November 24, 2019

Whole Grain Pancake Mix {My Novel Go-To Mix!}

Wow, I but ate the BEST pancakes I've always made!  Light, fluffy, in addition to whole grain to kick ... cheers to  Whole Grain Pancake Mix I whipped upwardly myself.  Oh, I've but flora my novel go-to for pancakes.

 though I unremarkably bask them equally breakfast Whole Grain Pancake Mix {my novel go-to mix!}

I am a huge fan of pancakes ... though I unremarkably bask them equally breakfast-for-dinner instead of equally traditional breakfast food.  Hey, there's absolutely nix incorrect amongst breakfast-for-dinner!  It's ane of my faves.

And when it comes to 'bread goods' inwards our household including our pancakes in addition to waffles, nosotros motility to swallow solely whole grain.  'Try' beingness the cardinal word.  We're industrial plant inwards progress on that.  But desire to know ane affair that's definitely helping us out amongst the whole grain thing?

This Whole Grain Pancake Mix.  Oh.  My.  Gosh.  You all.  This mix makes the best pancakes I've always had.  No joke.
When I made pancakes amongst this mix for the showtime time, I one-half expected them to live on slap-up ... in addition to one-half expected them to live on a niggling dense.  Or a niggling grainy.  Or a niggling lacking inwards flavor.  Like tin flame lead identify amongst whole grain materials sometimes.

I was in addition to thence thrilled when the 'great' one-half turned out to live on right!

 though I unremarkably bask them equally breakfast Whole Grain Pancake Mix {my novel go-to mix!}

Pancakes from this mix aren't dense at all.  In fact, they create upwardly super lite in addition to fluffy.

Grainy?  Not a bit!  Nope.  I'm happy to tell there's no 'feel' of coarse whole grain flour inwards the texture.

And flavor?  Full of it.  These pancakes genuinely are delicious in addition to flavorful.

Now, I know the surface color is a tad fight black ... but that's to a greater extent than a component subdivision of the create than the pancake.  Let's but tell I was however getting used to cooking on the stove inwards my novel household when I made this batch.  Yeh.  The stove in addition to I are however getting to know each other.  We're working on reaching an 'understanding.' ... it's a process.

Okay, in addition to thence if you've been reading in addition to next along amongst me for a spell hither at , you lot know I grew upwardly inwards Vermont.  And you lot know I am a fanatic close pure Vermont maple syrup.  And that I douse all of my pancake-y waffle-y materials inwards that golden delicious nirvana-kinda-syrup.

So you're in all likelihood gonna live on kinda shocked to listen what I tell adjacent ...

Not solely are these whole grain pancakes fabulous amongst yummy pure maple syrup, they're slap-up paired upwardly with Cinnamon Syrup, too.

 though I unremarkably bask them equally breakfast Whole Grain Pancake Mix {my novel go-to mix!}

Yes, tin flame you lot believe it?

I real poured something other than maple syrup on my pancakes.  Oh, the shock!

And it was good.

Chock total of yummy cinnamon, Cinnamon Syrup a slap-up option for a plateful of pancakes.  Or waffles.  Or ice cream.  Oh hold back ... that would live on a bowlful of H2O ice cream.  {Click to larn the Cinnamon Syrup recipe.}

 though I unremarkably bask them equally breakfast Whole Grain Pancake Mix {my novel go-to mix!}

I'm thinkin' of using this Whole Grain Pancake Mix equally my hostess / vecino / niggling treats gifts at Christmas this year.  You know, a cute niggling pocketbook of mix ... tied amongst a colorful ribbon ... paired amongst a niggling jounce of Cinnamon Syrup.  What practise you lot think??  Oh, yes, I mean value it'd live on a fun in addition to tasty niggling gift!

Just don't tell my maple syrup I'm considering giving out cinnamon syrup inwards the gifts.  While this Whole Grain Pancake Mix has sure replaced my onetime buy-it-in-a-box mix equally my novel pancake go-to ... maple syrup's identify inwards my pump is secure.

I mean value this mix in addition to my maple syrup volition larn along quite well.  For years in addition to years to come.

 though I unremarkably bask them equally breakfast Whole Grain Pancake Mix {my novel go-to mix!}

Whole Grain Pancake Mix
  • 11 c. whole wheat flour
  • 2 c. buttermilk blend powder though I unremarkably bask them equally breakfast Whole Grain Pancake Mix {my novel go-to mix!}
  • 1 c. granulated sugar
  • 1/3 c. baking powder
  • 2 T. baking soda
  • 2 T. salt
  • 2 c. quick-cooking oats
  1. Place oats inwards a nutrient processor. Cover in addition to procedure until finely ground, close twenty seconds.
  2. Place all ingredients inwards a large bowl. Stir until good combined.
  3. Store mix inwards an airtight container {or several airtight containers} inwards the fridge or freezer for upwardly to vi months. {The shelf life of whole wheat flour is extended yesteryear storing it inwards the fridge or freezer.}

To Prepare Pancakes:

  • 2 c. whole grain pancake mix
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1 c. water
  • 1/4 c. canola oil
  1. Place pancake mix inwards a large mixing bowl. In a pocket-size bowl, whisk together egg, water, in addition to oil; stir mixture into pancake mix until but moistened.
  2. Pour batter yesteryear 1/3 cupfuls onto a greased hot skillet or griddle. Allow to create until pocket-size bubbles cast on top; flip amongst a spatula in addition to proceed cooking until the minute side is golden brown.

Please bask these other breakfast {or breakfast-for-dinner} treats from ...