Saturday, November 23, 2019

Ham & Cheese Bagel Bites

Top mini bagels with a creamy cheese in addition to ham mixture to exercise tasty picayune Ham & Cheese Bagel Bites perfect for snacking, partying, lunching, or brunching.

 Top mini bagels with a creamy cheese in addition to ham mixture to exercise tasty picayune  Ham & Cheese Bagel Bites

As a kid, I recollect i of my favorite picayune snacks was mini pizzas made on English linguistic communication muffins.  You know, when you lot accept an English linguistic communication muffin, spread on a picayune sauce, sprinkle with to a greater extent than or less cheese, ... perchance add together a pepperoni or 2 ... in addition to rut it all up?  I mean value I loved them in addition to then much non exclusively because they tasted great, simply because I could brand them all past times myself at a pretty early on age.  Heck, I powerfulness fifty-fifty travel known to occasionally indulge inwards these picayune pizzas nevertheless to this day.

But you lot desire to know what takes those picayune pizzas of my childhood memories upward a notch?


And creamy cheese.

And ham.

Like inwards these absolutely delicious, perfect-for-a-party-breakfast-or-snack Ham & Cheese Bagel Bites.

 Top mini bagels with a creamy cheese in addition to ham mixture to exercise tasty picayune  Ham & Cheese Bagel Bites

With these tasty picayune bites, a creamy cheesy mixture of cream cheese, Swiss, in addition to Parmesan is slathered on mini bagels in addition to baked upward until the cheese is all melty.  The bagels teach crispy on the exterior spell staying tender in addition to chewy on the inside.

When you lot add together inwards to a greater extent than or less ham? ... You teach classic-&-creamy ham & cheese deliciousness ... on a toasty bagel.  Chop upward to a greater extent than or less deli ham, or role ham leftovers if you've got 'em on hand.  Deliciousness either way!

And seriously, definitely a notch inwards a higher house the English linguistic communication muffin pizzas of my youth.

 Top mini bagels with a creamy cheese in addition to ham mixture to exercise tasty picayune  Ham & Cheese Bagel Bites

Serve upward a tray total of ham & cheese bagel bites for snack fourth dimension ... or political party fourth dimension ... equally a game twenty-four hours process ... for breakfast ... for brunch ... with a bowl of soup ... or for lunch.  They could fifty-fifty travel packed inwards a luncheon box.

Wow.  Versatile tasty picayune bagel beauties, aren't they?

 Top mini bagels with a creamy cheese in addition to ham mixture to exercise tasty picayune  Ham & Cheese Bagel Bites

Ham & Cheese Bagel Bites
Source:  Adapted from Southern Lady magazine

  • 10 mini bagels
  • 1 (8 oz.) package cream cheese, softened
  • 1 1/2 c. shredded Swiss cheese
  • 1/2 c. shredded Parmesan cheese
  • 3 T. mayonnaise
  • 1 c. finely chopped ham
  • 1/8 tsp. garlic powder
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 tsp. dried parsley
  1. Slice each bagel inwards one-half horizontally. Place inwards a unmarried layer on a foil-line baking sheet. Set aside.
  2. In a mixing bowl, combine cream cheese, Swiss cheese, Parmesan, mayonnaise, garlic powder, salt, in addition to parsley. Stir or crunch with an electrical mixer until good combined. Stir inwards ham.
  3. Spread cream cheese mixture on occur of each bagel half, dividing mixture evenly betwixt the bagel halves.
  4. Bake at 400 degrees for 10 to xv minutes, until cheese is melted in addition to tops are rattling lightly browned.

Enjoy these other savory picayune bites from ...