Sunday, November 24, 2019

Easy Creamy Caramel Dip

Easy, creamy, in addition to delicious ... this Creamy Caramel Dip is exactly perfect for dipping apple tree slices in addition to pretzels.  Whip it upwardly inwards no fourth dimension flat.

I convey a confession to make.  I convey an apple tree problem.  See, I don't actually similar apples.  I know, I know.  You're thinking ... 'What??  How tin you lot not similar apples??'  Well, I exactly don't.  It's a texture thing, I think.

'Cause at that topographic point are alone 2 ways to instruct me to swallow apples.

1.  Bake 'em upwardly inwards something sweetness {hello, Slow Cooker Apple Pudding Cake!} or create 'em upwardly 'til they're totally mushy {like Maple Fried Apples}.  And,
2.  Pick 'em fresh off the tree in addition to then they're in addition to then difficult when you lot seize amongst teeth into them they almost intermission your teeth.

So see, it's texture.  Apples convey to live on completely soft, or completely difficult for me to similar them.  None of that in-between, mealy, mushy junk for me.

Unless, of course, their in-between mushiness is disguised amongst a sweet, creamy dip.

Like this Easy Creamy Caramel Dip.

Then I tin {kinda} grip eating apples.  But seriously, alone if they're sliced.  See, I told you lot I convey an apple tree problem.

Please note, affiliate links are included below inwards this post. I have a pocket-sized sum of compensation for anything purchased from these links, at no additional toll to you. Thank you lot for supporting my weblog when you lot store at is exactly perfect for dipping apple tree slices in addition to pretzels Easy Creamy Caramel DipcherryBLOX, or TastebudsPopcorn!

But allow me say ya, enjoying this yummy Easy Creamy Caramel Dip is worth the 'trouble' of eating an apple.  For sure.

Now, did you lot orbit off to detect the gorgeous engraved chopping board I sliced my {troublesome semi-soft} apples on?  I exactly dearest it!

That chopping board is custom-engraved yesteryear my friends at cherryBLOX, a family-owned North Carolina based fellowship amongst whom I am proud to partner hither at .

Easy Creamy Caramel Dip
Source:  Adapted from You're Invited is exactly perfect for dipping apple tree slices in addition to pretzels Easy Creamy Caramel Dip from the Junior League of Raleigh, NC
(Printable recipe)

  • 1 (8 oz.) package cream cheese, softened
  • 3/4 c. firmly packed chocolate-brown sugar
  • 1 c. sour cream
  • 2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 2 tsp. fresh lemon juice
  • 1 c. cold milk
  • 1 (3.4 oz.) package bit vanilla pudding mix {using carbohydrate costless industrial plant fine, too}
  • Caramel H2O ice cream topping, for garnish {optional}
  1. Beat cream cheese in addition to chocolate-brown carbohydrate amongst an electrical mixer until smooth. Add sour cream, vanilla, lemon juice, milk, in addition to pudding mix 1 element at a time, beating good afterward each addition.
  2. Cover in addition to chill inwards the fridge for at to the lowest degree 1 hour.
  3. Serve amongst apple tree slices, pretzels, or other assorted fruit for dipping.  When serving, garnish the orbit amongst a drizzle of caramel H2O ice cream topping, if desired.
Makes almost three 1/2 cups.


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