Sunday, November 24, 2019

Oma's Strudla {German Steamed Dumplings Or 'Biscuits'}

In accolade of Oktoberfest together with my husband's German linguistic communication heritage, I decided to portion amongst you lot 1 of the few German linguistic communication recipes I've mastered.  And believe me, when my hubby asked me to larn how to brand strudla, it's a recipe that came amongst a lot  of pressure!

See, my hubby Mark's Oma {German for grandmother} ... who was originally from Deutschland together with lived amongst Mark together with his household unit of measurement spell he was growing upward ... used to brand strudla for him all.  the.  time.  It's a nutrient that holds wonderful memories for him.

And he wanted me  to larn how to acquire inwards for him.

Oh sure, ... follow inwards the footsteps of Mark's native German linguistic communication grandmother to brand him 1 of her signature German linguistic communication foods.  That he adores.  And ate all the time.  For years.

Great.  That's what I was thinking.

But first, what are strudla, you lot ask?  Well, the answer's plainly non a straightforward one.
 In Mark's household unit of measurement they're piffling steamed yeast dough dumplings.  Kinda think Southern biscuits.  But made amongst yeast dough.  And cooked on the stovetop.  In a skillet inwards simply a tiny chip of H2O that steams them.

In doing a tad chip of research, I discovered that this 'form' of strudla stems specifically from Germans who emigrated to Russian Federation inwards the belatedly 1700's together with 1800's.  Other forms are to a greater extent than similar what nosotros think of every bit a phyllo-type dough ... spell others are the commonly-known filling-type strudels.  Since Mark's household unit of measurement ... including his Mom together with Oma ... spent many years living inwards the Ukraine, it makes feel that their version of strudla is the biscuit-y, dumpling-y kind.

And that's the form I was beingness asked to larn to make. 

Now fifty-fifty earlier I'd ever had strudla or knew what they were, I'd heard countless stories of Oma's studla-making.

I'd heard all close how the household unit of measurement ever {and I practise mean always} enjoyed a batch of Oma's strudla when having soup for dinner ... together with how she wrapped the pan amongst a dish towel to hold inwards every piffling droplet of steam spell the strudla cooked ... together with how she'd shush everyone inwards the kitchen so she could head to the pan to know precisely when they were done ... together with how Mark's Mom together with blood brother would struggle over the ones that got 'extra crispy' on the bottom ...

And so ... afterward exclusively having watched Mark's Mom brand them 1 fourth dimension {one  time!} ... I approached my outset strudla-making experience amongst trepidation.

Would I acquire the correct amount of H2O inwards the pan?

How would I know when they were done?  What if I couldn't 'hear' them similar Oma?

Would I acquire the perfect crust on the bottom?

Would they fifty-fifty endure edible??

There was exclusively 1 means to notice out ...

And so I pigeon in.  And whipped upward the uncomplicated strudla yeast dough.

Then simply every bit I'd been shown that 1 time, in 1 lawsuit the dough had finished rising I scooped upward portions of it ...

... together with used the palms of my hands to coil the portions into ropes.

Then I cutting each rope into pieces close an inch together with one-half long.

I was together with so fix to create my real outset strudla!  Oh boy.  {Gulp.}

I drizzled a pocket-size amount of crude inwards my pan.

And this small  amount, I've learned, is real important.  Too much crude together with the strudla kinda experience greasy when they're done.  Too piffling together with they stick together with don't prepare the squeamish crust on the bottom that Mark's Mom together with blood brother {still} struggle to get.

So I've learned to drizzle similar this ... trails that acquire throughout the pan without completely roofing the pan's bottom.  You actually don't desire a 'full layer' of oil.

Next I set inwards my strudla dough pieces together with covered my pan ...

Now 1 of the real most of import things inwards cooking strudla is ... DO NOT UNCOVER THE PAN until they're done.  This was stressed to me close a bazillion times ... so I set it inwards all caps for ya.  Mmm hmmmm, call upward that ... DO NOT UNCOVER THE PAN.

Uncovering the pan volition mess upward the strudla's steamy cooking environment.  And mess upward the strudla.  So I'm told, anyway.  I've been also afraid to uncover the pan to meet what happens if you lot do.

Um, anyone wondering why there's a sweetness spud on exceed of my pan??

I idea you lot mightiness endure curious close that.

So ... a piffling sidenote close Oma to explain.  Apparently, when Oma cooked strudla she was real ... shall nosotros say, particular? or thorough? ... close making certain no steam escaped the pan, thence ensuring perfect cooking for the strudla.  She would wind the exterior of the lid amongst a dish towel.  And she would identify a mugful of H2O on exceed of the lid to weight it down.  Well, when Mark together with I went to brand our outset batch of studla, nosotros decided ... though absolutely non necessary ... to hold Oma's 'tradition' together with weigh downwardly our pan's lid amongst a mug of H2O too.  But nosotros had a employment ... the knob on the exceed of our pan is curved instead of flat.  Uh, yeh ... setting a mug of H2O on exceed of a curved knob is non going to halt well.  And so nosotros reached for the exclusively affair about that had some heft to it together with would sit down atop a curved pan knob.

H5N1 sweetness potato.

And that's  why there's a sweetness spud on exceed of that pan.  In homage to Oma.

You knew at that topographic point had to endure a uncomplicated explanation, right??

Okay, okay ... let's acquire dorsum to cooking the strudla!

So, in 1 lawsuit all the H2O has evaporated out of the pan, you lot start to withdraw heed a slight sizzling.  That's precisely what Oma used to shush everyone to hear.  And that's precisely what lets you lot know that the strudla stimulate got cooked through to puffy piffling dumpling pillows ... together with ... most importantly ... that they've begun to create to a beautiful piffling crisp on the bottom.

And similar a shot ... the large 2nd ... the large unveiling of my strudla ...

It was fourth dimension to stimulate got the lid off the pan!

And meet those beautiful piffling strudla pillows ...

... together with stimulate got a deep breath earlier peeking at the bottoms.

Hoping, simply hoping, to meet that perfect piffling golden crispiness.

Oh, Mark tells me Oma would endure so proud.

Strudla {German Dumplings}
Source:  Mark's Oma
(Printable recipe)

  • 1 tsp. active dry out yeast {half of a 1/4 oz. package}
  • 1/2 tsp. granulated sugar
  • 1/8 c. warm water
  • 2 1/2 c. all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 3/4 c. warm water
  1. In a pocket-size bowl, mix yeast, sugar, together with 1/8 loving cup warm H2O to dissolve the yeast. {Water should experience simply barely warm to the behaviour on to properly activate the yeast. Water much hotter than that volition kill the yeast together with the dough won't rise.}
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, salt, yeast mixture, together with remaining 3/4 loving cup warm water. Stir until good combined together with mixture comes together to shape a dough. Cover together with set aside to ascent for close ii hours.
  3. Take a handful of dough; coil it into a long rope amongst the palms of your hands {the rope should endure around 1-inch thick}. Cut the dough rope into pieces close 1 1/2-inches long. Repeat amongst remaining dough.
  4. Drizzle a pocket-size amount of canola or olive crude inwards the bottom of a medium-sized skillet or saute pan. Place close 1/3 loving cup H2O inwards the pan. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat.
  5. Place dough pieces real unopen together, inwards a unmarried layer, inwards the boiling water. Cover tightly, trim down rut to medium, together with simmer until all the H2O is gone together with you lot withdraw heed a slight sizzle inwards the pan, close fifteen minutes. DO NOT UNCOVER THE PAN WHILE COOKING.
  6. Remove from pan together with serve warm amongst soup or sauerkraut.

Enjoy strudla amongst these hearty soups from ...

Kielbasa Potato Soup

White Bean & Sausage Soup

Pasta e Fagioli amongst Rosemary Olive Oil Drizzle

Slow Cooker Clam Chowder