Sunday, November 24, 2019

Sister Schubert's Sweetness Murphy Pie {& V Vacation Personal Touches Ane Learned From Sister}

 naught says the holidays similar delicious pecan Sister Schubert's Sweet Potato Pie {& 5 Holiday Personal Touches I Learned from Sister}
In the South, naught says the holidays similar delicious pecan-topped sweetness potatoes.  And my novel favorite agency to taste this classic Southern dish is Sister Schubert's Sweet Potato Pie!  Thank yous thus much to Sister Schubert for hosting me inward her home, in addition to for sponsoring this post.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 lilliputian flake agone inward my Turkey & Stuffing Sliders post, I shared that I was going to convey the dandy privilege of traveling to Sister Schubert's inward Andalusia, Alabama to create amongst her inward her home.  Well I'm back, in addition to I had an absolutely amazing time!  

Sister is genuinely ane of the kindest, most thoughtful people I convey had the pleasance to encounter ... non to mention, the most gracious hostess, equally well.  I'm thus excited to portion amongst yous experiences from my trip, Sister Schubert's sweetness white patato pie, in addition to 5 vacation personal touches I learned from Sister to brand vacation guests experience extra special.  'Cause permit me tell ya, Sister sure made me  experience extra special!

Sister invited 5 bloggers, including me, to her dwelling to create amongst her.  Here nosotros are on the morn of our large twenty-four hours amongst Sister, nearly to caput out to her home.  {Don't yous merely dearest how we're all color coordinated??  That wasn't planned.}

These wonderful ladies are {front row} Christy from Southern Plate and me! Tracey, that is, {back row} Chris from Celebrations at Home, Paula from Call Me PMc, in addition to Sommer from A Spicy Perspective.

And here's Sister, all ready to create amongst us inward her home's kitchen amongst her cute lilliputian Sister Schubert's apron on.  {She gave each of us one, too.  Mine had adorable polka dots.}

We started our cooking twenty-four hours past times making Sister Schubert's famous Parker House Style rolls.  I fifty-fifty got to brand my real ain pan!  I shout out upwards that's thus cool, in addition to a retentiveness of cooking amongst Sister I volition ever cherish.

Sister had all the ingredients ready to become on her counter.

We helped Sister gear upwards the dough, in addition to and then she rolled it out in addition to taught us how to gear upwards a pan of Parker House rolls.

Then nosotros each cut, folded, in addition to butter-dipped away to brand our ain pan.  The dough was thus silky smoothen in addition to soft ... I could convey worked amongst it all day.

Here I am amongst Sister in addition to my freshly-made Sister Schubert's rolls.  My rolls weren't quite perfectly shaped, but give me a lilliputian flake of do fourth dimension in addition to I know I could acquire it down.  

It was thus much fun making the rolls!!  Who knows ... possibly some twenty-four hours I'll acquire to travail my mitt at making Sister Schubert's Pretzel Rolls ... or Cinnamon Rolls ... or Sausage Wrap Rolls.  I'd actually dearest to convey a travail at making each one!

After making the rolls, each of us bloggers took a plough at preparing a dish amongst Sister for our Thanksgiving repast afterward that day.  I had the pleasance of making Sister Schubert's Sweet Potato Pie.

The recipe is conduct out of Sister's cookbook,  "Cast Your Bread Upon the Waters" naught says the holidays similar delicious pecan Sister Schubert's Sweet Potato Pie {& 5 Holiday Personal Touches I Learned from Sister} ... in addition to it is soooooo good.  It's got a lite in addition to fluffy sweetness white patato filling, accented amongst orangish zest, in addition to topped amongst lots of dark-brown-sugar-and-pecan topping.

I mean, merely expect at all that topping?  Sister in addition to I may convey made merely a teeny flake too much topping ... but nosotros chose to merely charge it on, deciding yous merely can't convey too much topping!  {I similar the agency Sister Schubert thinks.}

You know, too serving dandy food, the most thoughtful hostesses infuse a personal touching inward fifty-fifty the smallest details.  After having spent fourth dimension amongst Sister inward her home, I tin absolutely tell yous Sister Schubert is indeed an extremely thoughtful hostess.

I'd dearest to portion amongst yous 5 vacation personal touches I learned from Sister that volition convey vacation guests feeling extra welcomed in addition to extra special, merely equally I did inward Sister's home.

1.  Send a Personal Note
Several days earlier the dinner at her home, I received this personal notation from Sister inward the mail.

It warmed my catch to know that Sister was thinking of me in addition to looking forrard to my see amongst her!  I shout out upwards this is such a wonderful personal touching that nosotros could all easily comprise into our ain lives in addition to entertaining.

Don't experience yous convey fourth dimension to snail-mail a personal note?  Or, prefer to communicate electronically?

Well, the Sister Schubert's squad has created a fun lilliputian site to aid us celebrate identify unit of measurement in addition to portion vacation thoughts this vacation flavor the Holiday Needlequotes site, allowing us to easily capture in addition to portion those lilliputian moments in addition to sayings from our ain identify unit of measurement get-togethers.

Simply type your family-favorite quote into the site, add together the shout out of the identify unit of measurement fellow member or individual who said it, in addition to pick out from ane of their blueprint templates to create your real ain quote ... similar these ...

Do yous similar my 'Gobble 'til yous wobble!' one?  I dearest maxim that at the kickoff of our family's Thanksgiving meal.  It ever gets a chuckle.

The Needlequotes site gives yous the alternative to email your personalized needlequote, portion it through Facebook or Twitter, or to salve it to your computer.  It's merely perfect for sharing out a non-snail-mail vacation personal note!

Now why would Sister Schubert's create a site based on needlepoint, yous ask?

Well that's uncomplicated to answer.  Because Sister Schubert loves making needlepoint!

Here are some in-process needlepoints she's been working on.  I merely loved seeing these inward her living room when I was at her home.  They're thus beautiful!

When she sent me my personal note, she fifty-fifty included a needlepoint-style luggage tag for my travels.  So sweet.

2.  Include Welcoming Little Touches
Including welcoming lilliputian touches similar flowers, candles, in addition to personalized identify setting shout out cards are quick in addition to tardily ways to brand vacation guests experience extra special.  It's that lilliputian extra personal touching that says to them, 'I'm thus glad you're here.'

And Sister for certain said 'I'm thus glad you're here,' amongst all her  welcoming lilliputian touches.

Votive candles on the dining tables, buffet table, in addition to scattered throughout her dwelling added such a feeling of warmth.  Small blossom arrangements were non entirely beautiful, but welcoming.  And I peculiarly loved Sister's blossom arrangements inward small-scale hollowed-out pumpkins in addition to votive candles nestled inward fresh cranberries.  These lilliputian personal touches made me experience correct at home. 

3.  Plan Ahead
We all know how busy nosotros tin acquire in ane lawsuit guests kickoff to brand it at our home, right?  Well, planning ahead for equally many of the vacation repast or vacation get-together details equally possible helps proceed that busy fourth dimension running smoothly.

And helps us focus on our guests instead of the details.

I dearest how Sister had planned ahead amongst the serving of our Thanksgiving dinner ... amongst all the serving dishes she'd demand set out inward identify on the buffet.

And labeled.

Labeled thus she ... or anyone offering helping hands at serving fourth dimension ... would know precisely where everything would demand to go.  Genius.

Come serving time, it's tardily to lay out a beautiful buffet.

Ah, consider my scrumptious Sister Schubert's Sweet Potato Pie correct in that place on the end?  It was the star of dinner!  Okay, thus possibly it had equal billing amongst all the other yummy dishes ... but a daughter tin dream, right?

4.  Garnish amongst Fresh Herbs
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 lilliputian touching of fresh herbs goes a long agency inward adding a personal touching to vacation plates.  A sprig of mint on a dessert plate ... a handful of fresh parsley on a serving platter.  A uncomplicated touching that makes large impact.

Sister kept a diversity of fresh herbs inward a handbasket ... an thought I volition definitely endure 'borrowing.'  Easily transported from exterior to in, this is such a dandy agency to proceed fresh herbs at hand.  During our dinner event, the herb handbasket doubled equally a beautiful centerpiece on her kitchen isle ... in addition to equally the origin of wonderful fresh garnishes.


Just a unmarried sprig of fresh mint added a beautiful touching to our dessert plate.

Okay, at in ane lawsuit let's utter nearly the dessert plate for a infinitesimal ... 'cause it was ane of the {many} wonderful surprises Sister had for us bloggers during our visit.  At some betoken during dinner, Sister announced that she had 'had a lilliputian fun amongst dessert' in addition to had made an item from each of our blogs.

How sweetness is that??

Yes, she had perused each of our blogs in addition to selected a dessert item to make.  We were all thus nervous wondering what she had chosen!!  She wouldn't tell us ... wanting it to endure a surprise when the dessert plates were served.

And her choices, from left to right, were:
Lemon-Coconut Bars {turned tart} from Tracey at  {that's me!}
Cranberry Crunch from Christy at Southern Plate
Pumpkin Ice Cream from Chris at Celebrations at Home
Epic Brownies from Sommer at A Spicy Perspective

Sister Schubert's Sweet Potato Pie
Source:  Shared amongst Sister Schubert's permission from her cookbook, "Cast Your Bread Upon the Waters" naught says the holidays similar delicious pecan Sister Schubert's Sweet Potato Pie {& 5 Holiday Personal Touches I Learned from Sister}

(Printable recipe)
For the Pie Filling:
  • 2 lbs. sweet potatoes, prepared* in addition to peels removed
  • 1/2 c. butter, softened
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 c. granulated sugar
  • 1/2 c. sweetened condensed milk
  • 1/2 c. evaporated milk
  • 1 tsp. ground nutmeg
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 2 frozen deep-dish pie crusts
  • zest from 1 medium orange
For the Brown Sugar Topping:
  • 1 c. dark brownish sugar
  • 1/2 c. all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 c. cold butter, chopped into pea-sized pieces
  • 1 c. pecans, coarsely chopped
  1. PREPARE THE PIE: In a large mixing bowl, musical rhythm out cooked sweetness potatoes amongst butter until smooth. Add eggs, beating continuously, until good combined. Add sugar, milk, nutmeg in addition to vanilla, beating well.
  2. Divide mixture into 2 piecrusts in addition to sprinkle amongst orangish zest. {Pie may endure baked plain, or topped amongst Brown Sugar Topping.}
  3. PREPARE THE BROWN SUGAR TOPPING: Chop sugar, flour, in addition to butter amongst a pastry blender or 2 knives until topping resembles coarse crumbs. Fold inward pecans in addition to sprinkle evenly over pie mixture.
  4. BAKE: Bake at 350 degrees on middle oven rack until catch is set, some 45 to 50 minutes.
*Sweet potatoes may endure baked until tender; bake amongst skins intact on a baking canvas at 350 degrees some 45 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the size of the potatoes.  Or, peel, slice, in addition to boil the potatoes for some thirty minutes until tender.


I convey been invited to participate inward a Sister Schubert's ambassador program, in addition to this post is sponsored by Sister Schubert's.  The opinions in addition to ideas expressed hither are my own.