Sunday, November 24, 2019

Pumpkin Spice Martini {& My Wild Ride}

The fabulous flavors of pumpkin too spice are for to a greater extent than than merely pie!  Enjoy them inwards your autumn cocktails, equally good similar this yummy Pumpkin Spice Martini.

 The fabulous flavors of pumpkin too spice are for to a greater extent than than merely pie Pumpkin Spice Martini  {& My Wild Ride}

So imagine you're driving downward the interstate, toodling along at close seventy miles per hr inwards the passing lane, when all of abrupt your machine won't accelerate.  At all.

You're dropping speed.  Rapidly.

What happens when you lot measurement on the gas pedal?  Nothing.  So you lot flooring it.  And all the same nothing.

Oh, I don't bring to imagine it.  'Cause yeh, it happened.  Yesterday.  To me.  And allow me merely tell ya ...
It.   Was.   NOT.   Fun.

I was driving my married adult man too myself to a preparation bird we're taking, merely zipping along ... when out of nowhere, my machine had a spaz gear upward on too decided non to work.  No acceleration at all.  Now equally I'm certain you lot tin dismiss imagine, beingness stuck inwards the fast lane inwards interstate traffic, driving a machine that won't accelerate, is non a skilful feeling.  Not skilful at all.

The fabulous flavors of pumpkin too spice are for to a greater extent than than merely pie!  Enjoy them inwards your autumn cocktails, too.

I stayed pretty calm.  At first.

I was able to instruct over out of the passing lane, fortunately, alongside my married adult man proverb "Just instruct her to the adjacent exit, merely instruct her to the adjacent exit!"  Uh, yeh dude ... that would live the excogitation ... if in that place was  an move out coming whatever fourth dimension soon.  But at this point, nosotros were on a long stretch of route that didn't look to bring anything coming whatever fourth dimension soon.

And hence I saw it.  The sign that said the adjacent move out was inwards 2 miles.  TWO MILES!?!?  That's an eternity  when you're coasting on ease speed.

Fortunately, a teeny tiny fleck of acceleration kicked inwards ... merely plenty to move on the machine going at close 45 miles per hour.  Still non cool.

We creeped along, merely hoping too praying to arrive the 2 miles to the exit.

And hence in that place it was.  The beautiful sight nosotros hence wanted to see.  The exit!

But that's also the minute when my calmness ended.

 The fabulous flavors of pumpkin too spice are for to a greater extent than than merely pie Pumpkin Spice Martini  {& My Wild Ride}

Because merely earlier the exit, you'll never justice what in that place was.

Oh yes ... merely earlier that move out were iii lanes merging inwards alongside the interstate.  That I would bring to cross.  And fifty-fifty meliorate ... a groovy wall of traffic was coming inwards those iii lanes.

Including a huge tractor trailer truck.

Timed perfectly ... or imperfectly, should I say ... to come across me equally I tried to cross.  Three lanes of traffic.  At 45 miles per hour.  With no powerfulness to accelerate.

Ah, skilful times.

I was merely close having a panic gear upward on at this point, too understandably hence inwards my opinion.

I'm honestly non quite certain how I made it over to the exit.  But I did.  I create cry back seeing cipher but the grate of the huge tractor trailer inwards my nurture see mirror at ane point.  And screaming at my married adult man over too over that I wasn't going to arrive across the traffic.

But somehow ... somehow ... I did.

And when nosotros rolled to a halt on that move out ramp, I'd never been hence happy to instruct out of a machine inwards all my life.

Once nosotros had calmed downward from our wild ride, hence came the query of ... NOW WHAT?  We were stuck out inwards the middle of nowhere, on an move out ramp, alongside a severely injured car.  And all the same had close xxx minutes to a greater extent than driving to instruct to instruct to our preparation bird {which happens to live a preparation bird equally good of import to us to merely blow off}.

Well, I'm truly pretty proud of the 'NOW WHAT?' answer nosotros came upward with.

See, nosotros were able to figure out that nosotros were truly merely a few miles away from the airport.  And hubby idea he could successfully 'limp' the machine those few miles ... it would  go upward to close 45 miles per hour, afterward all.  And what's plentiful at airports?? Rental machine agencies!  So nosotros speedily used my mobile telephone {oh yeh, I forgot to tell you lot that our GPS died from a broken plug merely a few minutes earlier the machine konked out} to map out a means to the airdrome ... without going on the interstate.  And hence nosotros were off.

I'm happy to say nosotros made it to the airdrome successfully, ditched my machine inwards a long-term parking lot, grabbed a rental, too successfully made it to our preparation class.

Just ane hr late.

Not equally good bad given our morn adventure, I'd say.

{Now equally to the fate of my machine ... that's all the same to-be-determined.  She'll live going to the machine infirmary tomorrow for assessment.}

 The fabulous flavors of pumpkin too spice are for to a greater extent than than merely pie Pumpkin Spice Martini  {& My Wild Ride}

But afterward all that, I may merely bring come upward domicile yesterday too had a couplet of these Pumpkin Spice Martinis.

Oh, who are nosotros kidding?  I did  come domicile yesterday too bring a couplet of these Pumpkin Spice Martinis.

Can you lot blame me?

 The fabulous flavors of pumpkin too spice are for to a greater extent than than merely pie Pumpkin Spice Martini  {& My Wild Ride}
Thank you lot for stopping past times .  We'd dearest to bring you lot dorsum soon!

pumpkin martini recipe, how to brand a pumpkin martini, pumpkin spice cocktails, pumpkin spice drinks
Yield: 1 cocktail

Pumpkin Spice Martini

The fabulous flavors of pumpkin too spice are for to a greater extent than than merely pie! Enjoy them inwards your autumn cocktails, equally good similar this yummy Pumpkin Spice Martini.
prep time: v Mcook time: total time: v M


For each martini:
  • 2 T. 100% pure pumpkin puree
  • 3/4 oz. uncomplicated syrup
  • 2 oz. vanilla vodka
  • 2 oz. Bailey's Irish Gaelic Cream liquor
  • 1/8 tsp. pumpkin pie spice


How to create Pumpkin Spice Martini

  1. Fill a cocktail shaker alongside ice. 
  2. Add pumpkin puree, uncomplicated syrup, vodka, Bailey's, too pumpkin pie spice; milk tremble for close xxx seconds.
  3. Pour shaken mixture through a strainer into a martini or cocktail glass.
  4. Sprinkle alongside additional pumpkin pie spice too garnish alongside a cinnamon stick, if desired.
  1. To brand uncomplicated syrup, house equal parts H2O too granulated saccharide inwards a saucepan {I normally create 1/2 loving cup H2O too 1/2 loving cup sugar}. Heat over medium heat, stirring, until saccharide is completely dissolved. Cool.
  2. For saccharide & spice rims on your glasses, combine a fleck of granulated saccharide too pumpkin pie spice inwards a shallow dish. Use your fingertip dipped inwards H2O to moisture the rim of each glass, all the means around. Dip each rim into the saccharide too spice mixture to coat. Set aside.
Created using The Recipes Generator

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