Sunday, November 24, 2019

Valentine Raspberry Sandwich Cookies

With raspberry jam filling sandwiched betwixt rich heart-shaped butter cookies, Valentine Raspberry Sandwich Cookies are the perfect picayune sugariness process to spoil your particular ones amongst this Valentine's Day.

 With raspberry jam filling sandwiched betwixt rich view Valentine Raspberry Sandwich Cookies

Valentine's Day is coming upwardly soon!  I don't know nearly you, but at our household Valentine's Day isn't a huge deal.  In fact, my husband's view of Valentine's Day is pretty much this ...

And land I don't involve grand Valentine's gestures, I do  like the hateful solar daytime to at to the lowest degree live acknowledged.  So my view of Valentine's Day is to a greater extent than similar this ...

But instead of chocolate, I would gladly receive got a large batch of these Valentine Raspberry Sandwich Cookies equally acknowledgement of the sugariness day.

Because side past times side to chocolate, rich butter cookies sandwiched amongst raspberry jam filling is the side past times side best thing!

 With raspberry jam filling sandwiched betwixt rich view Valentine Raspberry Sandwich Cookies

These cookies are a version of the Raspberry Jam Sandwich Cookies I previously shared, all dressed upwardly for Valentine's Day.  Grab heart-shaped cookie cutters as well as some hot pinkish or ruby-red colored saccharide ... as well as you've got all you lot involve to whip upwardly this Valentine's Day sugariness treat.

I sprinkled my cookies amongst turbinado saccharide outset as well as and therefore amongst a send upon of the colored sugar.  Using both sugars together gives the cookies simply a picayune extra send upon of sparkle ... the turbinado saccharide shimmers a picayune inwards the light, making the cookies all beautifully sparkly.

As you lot tin move see, I did some amongst ruby-red saccharide as well as some amongst hot pink.  I similar the hot pinkish ones better.

 With raspberry jam filling sandwiched betwixt rich view Valentine Raspberry Sandwich Cookies

So whether you've got particular ones inwards your life that adore grand Valentine's gestures, or {like me as well as my hubby} simply similar a little  acknowledgement of the day, these Valentine Raspberry Sandwich Cookies volition tally perfectly into your plans.  No thing how large or how small-scale those plans may be.

 With raspberry jam filling sandwiched betwixt rich view Valentine Raspberry Sandwich Cookies

Valentine Raspberry Sandwich Cookies
  • 2 1/2 c. all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 c. granulated sugar
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 16 T. (2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened & cutting into sixteen pieces
  • 2 T. cream cheese, softened to room temperature
  • 2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1 1/4 c. seedless raspberry jam
  • 1 T. turbinado saccharide (sugar inwards the raw)
  • Pink {or red} sanding sugar
  1. PREPARE THE RASPBERRY FILLING: Place jam inwards a small-scale saucepan; convey to a simmer over medium heat. Reduce estrus to depression as well as simmer, stirring frequently, until jam has reduced to 1 cup, nearly 10 minutes. Jam volition live real thick. Set aside to cool to room temperature.
  2. PREPARE THE COOKIE DOUGH: Place flour, sugar, as well as common salt inwards the bowl of a stand upwardly mixer (or large mixing bowl); mix on depression speed nearly 10 seconds until good combined.
  3. With the mixer running at depression speed, add together 1 slice of butter at a fourth dimension dropping them inwards nearly iii seconds apart. Once all the butter is added, move on mixing nearly 1 to 2 minutes to a greater extent than until the mixture resembles moist crumbs. Beat inwards cream cheese as well as vanilla for nearly xxx seconds until dough starts to shape large clumps.
  4. Use your hands to knead dough until it comes together into a large ball, nearly iii or four turns.
  5. Divide dough into 2 equal pieces, press each slice into a circular slightly flattened disc, twine each inwards plastic wrap, as well as chill inwards the fridge for xxx minutes until theatre but nevertheless pliable.
  6. MAKE COOKIES FOR THE BOTTOM OF THE SANDWICH: Working amongst 1 dough slice {keep the other 1 inwards the refrigerator}, gyre to 1/8-inch thick betwixt 2 pieces of parchment newspaper or on a lightly floured function surface. Peel away give canvass of parchment {if using}.
  7. Use an unopen to 2-inch heart-shaped cookie cutter to cutting cookies from the rolled dough. Place on a baking canvass as well as bake at 375 degrees until lite golden brown, nearly 8 - 10 minutes. Allow to cool on baking canvass for 2 - iii minutes as well as and therefore transfer to a cooling rack to cool completely.
  8. MAKE COOKIES FOR THE TOP OF THE SANDWICH: Roll remaining dough slice as well as sprinkle the give evenly amongst the turbinado sugar; as well as therefore add together a small-scale sprinkling of pinkish {or red} sanding sugar. Use the same heart-shaped cookie cutter to cutting cookies from the dough. Use a smaller heart-shaped cookie cutter to cutting out the centre of each sugar-sprinkled cookie. Bake inwards the same means equally the bottom-of-the-sandwich cookies.
  9. ASSEMBLE SANDWICH COOKIES: Once cookies receive got cooled, spread a teaspoon of jam filling on the give of each 'bottom' {solid} cookie as well as and therefore identify a cut-out cookie on top. Let represent nearly xxx minutes earlier serving to allow the jam filling to set.

Please relish these other sugariness treats from ...

Valentine's White Chocolate-Dipped Pretzel Rods

Chocolate Valentine Kiss Cookies

Raspberry Truffle Brownies

Pink Funfetti Pound Cake

Raspberry Chocolate Truffles