Friday, November 1, 2019

Broccoli-Rice Casserole

Cheesy Broccoli-Rice Casserole is a perfectly tasty side dish for Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or everyday dinner.  It's classic creamy, cheesy comfort nutrient at its best.

 is a perfectly tasty side dish for Easter Broccoli-Rice Casserole

I'm a truthful lover of those picayune local cookbooks set together past times church building together with local charity groups.  I merely can't instruct plenty of them, together with seem to constantly live buying to a greater extent than ... despite the fact there's no agency on this basis I involve even thence some other cookbook.  However, I merely can't seem to aid myself.

Some of my favorites?

Carolina Blessings from Children's Home Society of North Carolina tops the list, for sure.  Along amongst You're Invited from the Junior League of Raleigh, NC together with Seaboard to Sideboard from the Junior League of Wilmington, NC.  I merely adore the "homey" local recipes shared inward these types of books.

This is a perfectly tasty side dish for Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or everyday dinner.  It's classic creamy, cheesy comfort nutrient at its best.

And inward these types of picayune local cookbooks, you'd live hard-pressed non to honour a recipe for a version of "homey" broccoli-rice casserole.  It's a comfort nutrient classic that certain makes its appearance inward to a greater extent than than its fair portion of cookbooks, church building suppers, potlucks, together with vacation dinners alike.

 is a perfectly tasty side dish for Easter Broccoli-Rice Casserole

But I've e'er had merely i electrical load close most broccoli-rice casseroles they tin tend to live on the bland side when it comes to flavor.

To quote our sweetness 7-year-old Little Miss H., "Mommy, that's because rice steals flavor."

Very sharp for a 7-year-old.  And I intend she's absolutely right.

In making this  version of broccoli-rice casserole, I laid out to amp upwards the flavour constituent over many of the recipes I've tried.  I made 3 changes to aid increment flavor. 

When mixed inward a casserole, rice tends to "dull" the flavors of the other ingredients.  I've e'er constitute the non-rice version of broccoli casserole to live to a greater extent than flavorful than rice versions.

So inward making this  version of broccoli-rice casserole, I laid out to amp upwards the flavour constituent over many of the recipes I've tried.  I made 3 changes to aid increment flavor:

1.  Increased the ratio of broccoli - Most of the classic broccoli-rice casserole recipes I read called for a 10-ounce parcel of frozen broccoli for 3 cups of cooked rice.  In my opinion, this was agency likewise picayune broccoli for that much rice.

I increased the broccoli to a total 16-ounce package, together with used broccoli florets instead of chopped broccoli.  I intend the florets deliver upwards to a greater extent than flavor, together with create a to a greater extent than attractive await inward the finished dish than chopped broccoli stem pieces.  I was much to a greater extent than pleased amongst this higher ratio of broccoli.

2.  Upped the tabular array salt & pepper - Such a uncomplicated alter tin brand a large deport on on flavor.  When y'all intend close it, this casserole has a lot of rice that needs to instruct a picayune jar of flavour added to it.  I constitute a total teaspoon of tabular array salt together with 1/2 teaspoon of pepper were merely what was needed to amp upwards the flavour factor.

If you're hesitant to set that much, add together what y'all intend would live proficient for y'all together with thence sense of savor a picayune of the mixture earlier putting it into the baking dish.  Since at that spot is no raw egg inward the mixture, it's okay to sense of savor it earlier it's baked.  Then, merely increment the tabular array salt together with pepper a picayune at a fourth dimension if y'all intend it needs adjusting.

3.  Added a touching of garlic powder - Just a small-scale touching of garlic powder ... 1/4 teaspoon ... gave a proficient picayune boost of flavor, too.

 is a perfectly tasty side dish for Easter Broccoli-Rice Casserole

With these 3 picayune changes, broccoli-rice casserole got merely the picayune flavour boost I was looking for.  No to a greater extent than too-bland rice for me.

So whether it's for Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or an everyday dinner this Broccoli-Rice Casserole is a perfectly tasty side dish to serve up.  It's truly classic creamy, cheesy comfort nutrient at its best.

You mightiness also savor these other vegetable casserole favorites:
 is a perfectly tasty side dish for Easter Broccoli-Rice Casserole
Thank y'all for stopping past times . We'd honey to bring y'all dorsum soon!

broccoli casserole, broccoli casserole recipe, broccoli casserole amongst rice
Side Dishes
Yield: 10-12 servings

Broccoli-Rice Casserole

Cheesy Broccoli-Rice Casserole is a perfectly tasty side dish for Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or everyday dinner. It's classic creamy, cheesy comfort nutrient at its best.
prep time: xx Mcook time: xl Mtotal time: lx M


  • 3 c. cooked rice (about 1 c. uncooked)
  • 1 (16 oz.) parcel frozen broccoli florets
  • 1 small-scale onion, finely chopped
  • 1 (10 3/4 oz.) tin cream of mushroom soup
  • 1/2 c. milk
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 tsp. dark pepper
  • 1/4 tsp. garlic powder
  • 1/4 tsp. paprika
  • 2 c. shredded mild or medium cheddar cheese, divided


How to create Broccoli-Rice Casserole

  1. Thaw broccoli together with warm broccoli inward the microwave for close five minutes; drain really well. Cut whatever large florets into smaller, bite-sized pieces.
  2. In a bowl, combine warm cooked rice, onion, cream of mushroom soup, milk, salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika, together with 1 loving cup of the shredded cheddar. Stir together until good mixed. Fold inward broccoli.
  3. Spoon into a greased 9x13-inch baking dish. Top amongst remaining 1 loving cup shredded cheddar cheese.
  4. Bake at 350℉ for 35 - xl minutes until bubbly together with cheese is merely commencement to instruct some golden brownish spots.
  1. Frozen chopped broccoli tin live used instead of the florets, if desired. I merely prefer the florets.
  2.  Casserole may live prepared ahead. Place the broccoli mixture inward the casserole dish, come about amongst the cheese, together with refrigerate until ready to bake. Increase baking fourth dimension to lx - 75 minutes. Cover loosely amongst foil partway through baking if the cheese begins to brownish likewise much.
Created using The Recipes Generator

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